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How to wear your soft contact lenses
  • First wash your hands with a normal soap and you rinse them thoroughly.

  • You sit in front of a mirror, in a well illuminated room.

  • You put one lens (get used to start always with the same lens, in our example right lens) at the edge of the fingertip of your right hands index (if you are right handed), with the edges of the lens turned towards up. None of the edges of the lens should be sticked on your fingertip, so pay attention.

  • You raise your upper lid with your left hand (with one or two fingers) while you pull down the lower lid with the middle finger of your right hand.

  • Lokking steadily at the center of the mirror, you approach slowly your eye with your right hands index (on top of wich you have placed the lens), until you place the lens on it.

  • You remove your right index, without releasing the two lids to close. At this point the lense should stay sticked on your eye.

  • You slowly release the two lids free. After a few seconds the lens will be centered in place.

Points you should notice:
- If you do not make it with the first try you might need to rehydrate the contact lens with afew drops of saline solution or any liquid your optometrist has indicated to you. This is neccessary because the lens tends to dehydrate from the moment you remove it from lenses case were it is keeped in a wet environment.
- Do not ever forget to keep open your upper and lower lids with your fingers. that is because they tend to close by reflex everytime something approachs your eye. If you fail to keep your lids open you will not be able to put on the contact lens.

Right and Wrong side of the contact lens.
Every soft contact lens has a right and a wrong side. If you want to fit your contact lenses correctly you should make soure that you are holding them with the right side up before you wear them. Here is how you can tell: Hold the lens beween two fingers of your left hand and try to bend it with your other hand in order to make the one edge of the lense to touch the other. If the lense i on the right side then the two edges touch each other, otherwise the two sides of the lens tend to stick on your fingertips.
If however you put the contact lens in your eye with the wrong side then you will have the sense of a foreign body in your eye, tearing and probably blurred vision. You can correct the probem by removing the lens and refiting it on the right side on your eye.

In General | Daily Cleaning | Weekly Cleaning | Products | Do and don'ts of Contact Lenses
Types of Lenses:
How to Apply:
| Application | Removal | Gas Permeable |



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